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My Work


I gained a foundation in programming concepts in my MIS 301: Data Structures and Algorithms in Python course at the University of Arizona. I learned about object-oriented programming and data structures using Python. Below are some of my projects and links to the code in my Github repository.


This program creates an image of a teddy bear. I experimented with DrawingPanel and won first place in a class competition for my output.



This program uses Pytube to extract the metadata from three YouTube videos.

This program runs a slot machine game. You can watch my video demonstrating how it works when it is played.

Tableau Public

Through the Business Analytics course at the University of Arizona, I was able to gain exposure to Tableau. My Tableau Public profile includes a portfolio demonstrating the skills I have developed.



In this Tableau sample, I used data from the Wall Street Journal to create a visual for the impact of the median starting salary of each university's graduates on the median mid-career salary of their graduates. 

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I gained experience working with Excel in a many of my school courses. In this sample workbook from my Marketing Analytics course, I analyzed data on Tropicana sales using a regression output to determine how multiple variables are affecting the sales of the product. 





For my Consulting Business Communications course, my team and I worked with Integrative Touch, a local Tucson pediatric integrative medicine organization. Integrative Touch is opening a new Oro Valley Healing center, and they came to our class for marketing recommendations for their new membership model before their grand opening. As part of my marketing recommendation, I created these sample advertisements.

While interning at Visit Austin, I assisted in gathering content for the company's social media accounts. This is an Instagram Reel I collaborated on to recognize and promote LGBTQ+ owned businesses in Austin, Texas during Pride Month. 


Visit Austin Video

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During my internship with PRBULLDOG, I had the opportunity to write an article promoting Cox during Father's Day by compiling a list of must-have gadgets that would be a great gift for dad. This was a fun assignment for me and rewarding to see it published in the media!


I have always enjoyed photography as a hobby. I especially enjoy taking photos of my friends, family, and places I travel!


Essays and Reports


Starlink: Security Risks

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Ethics of Drug Pricing


Fitness Industry Report

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